About Us

ABUN is an acronym of Aman Bol Urban Network ( ABUN), Aman Bol was a faithful mother who dedicated her life to the Ministry of Gospel Message ( Good news) she believed in Jesus’s Christ as her personal Saviour and Lord. she was baptised in the year 1999 and begun to serve in the church until the time of her ordination as a mother union in the year 2007 under the hand of Bishop Abraham Yel Nhial, the Diocesan Bishop of Episcopal Church of Sudan/ South Sudan, Diocese of Aweil, Anglican Communion. in the year 2009 she was ordained for the second time as the lay-reader ( LR) by the same Bishop. Aman Bol Akok as an activist/ Dinka Arabic Interpreter.

In the year 1983, The Arab militias cordoned about 400 Dinka men and women who were searching for wildfruits in the forest of Warguet, togather with late. Angok Kuanydhum, and late AkergÉ”k among others; the Arab miitia’s intention was to kill these hundreds of people late. mother Aman Bol intervened and spoke in Arabic to the militias in a fluent Arabic Language, she courageously convinced them not to kill any of the cordoned men and women.
In July 1, 2017 she passed away in Malual Centre Payam ( Duluit Bol Deng area) as a result of heart attack( may her soul rest in peace) Mother Aman Bol is sustained with 6 children( 3 boys and three girls).

Our Stakeholders

Paster/ Maduok Akoon Angok

Founder of ABUN Academy

Evangelist/ Barjok Maduok Akoon

Founder & Principal of ABUN Academy

Mrs/ Ajok Anei Yor

Partner of ABUN Academy

Over view of ABUN Academy Schools

ABUN Academy Schools is derived from the mother company, as stated earlier ABUN is a short form for Aman Bol Urban Network Co.Ltd ( ABUN).

In December, 2021 the ABUN Co. Ltd management registered ABUN Academy Secondary school as well as ABUNAcademyNursery& Primaryschool. The ABUN Academy Secondary school was registered at the National Ministry of General Education & Instruction under registration No SS/00049, dated 31/12/2021 with licence No: MoGE&I/ 2021/0049. EMIS No: SEC-15227 under the classification of private ownership.

ABUN Academy has partnership with Madam Ajok Anny Yor who has a preferential business partnership of 10% operation capital in ABUN Academy Schools. As Business Entrepreneurs, we expect to have new partners in the nearest future whether international business partners or national partners to boost investment in the field of Education as well as other fields that could promote sustainable development.
A word from ABUN Academy Schools Principal:

Commitment, Attitudes & Academic Performance
Mission Statement

ABUN Academy Schools prepare highly qualified, caring and effective generations to meet the needs of students in diverse settings within South Sudan and beyond. We do this by linking theory, life skills and social justice. Our teaching emphasizes on equity, academic excellence, reflective practices, Curriculum integration, good citizenship, human rights and democracy( Advocacy).
ABUN Academy Schools promote meaningful fieldwork in which pre-service and in service teachers engage with students, families and other educators with diverse communities. Our teachers conduct research, understand educational policies of South Sudan, develop the skills required to meet the needs of all students through subject- matter experts and practical field work . Our teachers develop the disposition that guide and support their teaching and leading.

Vision Statement

ABUN Academy continually examine, what, how and who we teach. It embodies compassion, empathy and respect for what every individual brings to the learning experience. We believe that Student’s learning potential is unknown and not pre-determined, we also believe that the goal of the teacher is to develop students continually and dynamically as guided by the curriculum, pedagogy and educational leadership.

To actualize our vision and mission, we engage all students in the class room and in the field work to
Create classroom environments that respect all students and meet the needs of all learners: including students with special needs.
Conduct research with students, educators and school communities to generate new knowledge and strategies that contribute to the field.
Critically, analyze and thoughtfully engage in conversations around current educational policies that impact teaching and learning in classroom.
Develop professional disposition that help them recognize and utilize”Fund of knowledge” of culturally, and linguistically diverse families and communities.
Teach and lead in a wide range of local, state, regional and national settings.
In order to achieve our primary purpose of preparing educators posses intellectual autonomy and professional responsibility.

Our Future Plans

ABUN Academy Schools plans to construct Day and boarding schools in Northern Bahr El Ghazal State ( Aweil, Wau) with partnership with national entrepreneurs and international business partners ABUN Academy Schools expect to invest noly in education but in any other basic needs provision such as Health Care centers, construction of specialist hospitals and real- State investments, transportation and any other areas which boost sustainable development in South Sudan, African continent and beyond. Our target is not just to make money but to contribute positively towards human capital development by enriching human dignity and values.